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Shirataki with mussels and cherry tomatoes

April 24, 2017

Shirataki with mussels and cherry tomatoes

Summer is finally approaching, are you working on your perfect beach shape? Here is an idea for a taste of summer while minimizing carbs and calories.

Ingredients per person:

  • ZenPasta Konjac Shirataki Noodles 75g dry (200g cooked)
  • 250g of mussels
  • 250g of cherry tomatoes
  • Minced parsley
  • White wine
  • Chili pepper
  • Oil
  • Salt


Boil water in a large pot, then add the shirataki and keep boiling for 10 minutes (you can leave it longer, as our shirataki are never overcooked), then drain.
Clean mussels thoroughly removing all "beards" and scrubbing the shells with a metal brush. Rinse them carefully, put them in a tall pot, cover with a lid and cook with high flame for 8-10 mins.
When mussels are open pour in some white wine and cook a bit more without the lid. Remove the mussels but keep the water for later, then throw most of the shells, leaving in just a few.
In a pan heat some oil and chili pepper, then add the cherry tomatoes cut in half. when the tomatoes are half cooked add the mussels and the shirataki. Use the water saved earlier in order to adjust the sauce thickness as needed.
Serve sprinkled with minced parsley.

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